Garden ecoShed is another name for an ‘EconoSpace‘.
If you are interested in developing a design for your own Garden ecoShed you can get your design underway using the downloadable .pdf’s and viewing the supporting videos and Workshop Handouts below. These formed the basis of previous LIVE ecoShed Workshop presentations at the Organic Centre.

Econospace/ecoShed .pdf’s …
EconoSpace article in Earth Garden magazine
EconoSpace article in Owner Builder Magazine 1
EconoSpace in Owner Builder Magazine 2
EconoSpace in PermacultureUK Magazine
EconoSpace in Self-Build Magazine
EcoBuilding On A Shoestring Course Handout
EconoSpaceMaking Course Hadout
The EconoSpace Concept Handout
Garden ecoShed Workshop 1 Handout
Garden ecoShed Workshop 2 Handout
Detailed construction drawings for 25, 10sqm & 10sqmPlus GardenecoSheds/EconoSpaces have been developed at the LAC and these form part of the EconoSpaceMaking Course material*. An octagonal version of the 25sqm EconoSpace is currently being developed along with the 5sqm Mini-EconoSpace, construction details of which will be made available on completion of this work.
* The EconoSpaceMaking Course material consists of a comprehensive Manual detailing design procedures, Working Drawings, construction methodology videos and so on. The material can be made available on application to the LAC using the Contact Form, putting ‘Econo’ in the subject line.