The Sheltermaker’s Manual has evolved from the unique Be Your Own Architect Courses which were first presented in 1989. Written in an accessible and practical style and featuring over 900 illustrations, the Manual reveals information not previously available on the subject of house design.
INTRODUCTIONS TO THE SHELTERMAKER MANUALS Vols 1&2 … discover the secrets of architecture as discovered by me over 30 years of design, construction and teaching activity … in .pdf format, free to download and share.
As the Manual reveals, there are many hidden aspects to the process of ‘sheltermaking’. These are referred to as the ‘invisible architecture’. Unseen yet powerful in their effect, one will ignore these at one’s peril! We are invited to think of this invisible architecture not just in terms of physical buildings but also in terms of our dream world and the lives we have to live. When we become aware of the power of this ‘living of one’s architecture’ we are presented with a dynamic tool for practical change in our lives. With its roots in Sacred Geometry, Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra traditions this Manual will forever change how we think of architecture, houses and even ourselves!

The Manual’s unique Design Programme clearly sets out a proven design methodology drawing on the experience of creating and living in homes that have been constructed utilising it. This invaluable resource facilitates the development of affordable, practical and versatile design solutions for both new as well as existing houses. Details of completed projects are included in the Manual, plus information on the EconoSpace, a unique low-cost eco-building featuring an original and versatile framing system suited to all skill levels.
SHELTERMAKER DESIGN PROGRAMME … a copyright free summary of the unique Living Architecture design methodology in .pdf format free to download and share.
SHELTERMAKER WORKSHEETS … a range of formatted Worksheets for use with Design Programme exercises in .pdf format free to download and share.
With its emphasis on the positive, the practical and the affordable, the Sheltermaker’s Manual also offers people the opportunity to understand the hidden psychological aspects of ‘home’. Such ‘intangibles’ are utilised as a means of exploring ones’ inner self in an effort to uncover ‘the dream house within’. On this level, the Manual operates as a self-development tool, allowing people to resolve personal life issues, oftentimes without the need, or expense, of building at all! So, you don’t have to want to build in order to justify buying this book. You need it to inform yourself and to understand how our houses can assist us in achieving a sustainable way-of-life.
The Manual is published in 2 Volumes and is readily available from a variety of online sellers. Just type The Sheltermaker’s Manual into your search engine.